
Really enjoying presentation style

Information was so useful for me during my midwifery training

Really great and enjoyable day - lots to think about with my practice

Entertaining, engaging and very very informative

Very proud to have attended this course - thank you for your experiences

Fantastic day - so enjoyable

Dianne's enthusiasm is infectious

Great day makes waterbirth feel more normal and less scary or out of the ordinary

Every st mw and mw should attend one of Dianne's day

Such passion and amazing speaker

Enjoyed the session about normalizing birth

University of Huddersfield 25/4/17

Very in valuable day - thank you

Wonderful and inspirational

Presented with such clarity

Dianne is a great and lovely presenter

Well organised and helpful

Fantastic day keep up the good work !

Love the birth stories and dvds

Great to learn about dealing with emergencies

Very passionate

Physiology of first breathe was very informative and enlightening

Very interesting, thoroughly enjoyed the whole day and take into practice

Empowering and informative day

Huge amount of information to support me in facilitating future waterbirths

Opened my eyes to how normal waterbirth can be

Learnt awareness of other signs of labour which is not taught at university

Evaluations Christchurch Canterbury University February 2017

I now feel confident to pass on knowledge to parents and colleagues

Very good study day, Dianne is very knowledgeable and inspirational

I enjoyed the comparisons between dry land and waterbirth - part curly with newborn physiology.

A well organised, clear and extremely informative experience.

Answered all my questions about using water for labour and birth

Will assist with being reflective and my revalidation next year

Amazing day - will recommend to doulas and colleagues your training and books.

Excellent day especially physiology and what ifs...

Thank you for igniting a fresh enthusiasm to facilitate waterbirthing and empowering women.

Great balance between theory and practice

Clear straightforward information - so practical and will use much of the info.

Dianne is so engaging and her enthusiasm is infective!

Evaluations Dartford Kent January 2017

I feel motivated to continue offering waterbirths to my caseload mothers.

Brilliant opportunity to listen to an expert and share her expertise  shared concerns about practice

Great speaker  answered all my questions and great to know happy to give further advice to colleagues and families

Reassuring to know my current practice is correct

Dianne is a great speaker her entertaining and reality appears very knowledgeable. Value for money as I often have to think carefully about to spend my money  would recommend to colleagues

Fantastic day  thank you Dianne

Wonderful day = gained so much more knowledge

Enjoyed the dvds and photos

Amazing day  would be fantastic if you could come and talk at my university

Promoting normality and assisting mothers with complex needs

As a senior midwife of many years I learnt so many new and interesting facts today !!

Bristol RCM study day - November 2016

Thanks to society and Dianne for organizing day

Would liked to have seen obstetricians attend

Very informative and engaging study day

Liked the flat foot in  tip toe out ! never heard or seen that before

Second time I attended and just as useful thankyou

Would encourage others to attend

Informative day  learnt new evidence which I will use in my practice

Fantastic day I learnt so much

So much information for my first birth centre placement

University hospital of Wales Cardiff - November 2016

Well presented  probably preaching to the converted  shame more labour ward staff attended.

Whole day should be mandatory for midwives and students !

Dianne has been one of my idols since training. Gave useful tips on how to go around barriers

Learnt about recording water temperature in second stage every 15 minutes

Gentle and natural birth  providing invaluable information

Lots of information in an easily understood format

Thanks for the inspiration

Good informative day which has empowered me to facilitate womens choice

Excellent sessions

Has enhanced my knowledge to give confidence to mothers thank you

Nuneaton Study Day - October 2016

Learned lots of new things to support my practice of waterbirth

Estimating blood loss in water  will never look at wine in the same way again !!

Lovely midwifery items to purchase and promote our profession

Well researched and presented study day

Interactive day which it so easy to ask questions

Easy messages to remember things for practical clinical issues

Excellent study day with thanks

Bournemonth Study Day - July 2016

Fantastic study day  fuelled my enthusiasm and knowledge on waterbirth.

Great presentation  great speaker

Informative day  loved the balance between theory and practice, research and world wide waterbirths

Take home message  have right equipment especially in community to support mothers at home

Great to here how women with complex needs can use water with research, governance and professionalism

Lovely to meet other midwives and students from units throughout Kent

Midwife Study Day - Dartford - 10/01/2016

As a new student everything is rather overwhelming, but I felt completely involved during your talk (South Glamorgan Oct.2015) and that there was no difference between myself as a first year and the midwives there with 20 years experience. I felt immediately I wanted to begin promoting hydrotherapy as much as possible. I just wanted to really thank you for inspiring me so much and I find you work in the UK and overseas truly admirable.

Alexandra Morris First year SMW.

Just wanted to say how immensely I enjoyed you study day at UHSM yesterday. I consider myself skilled at water birth my main point is despite these experiences I learnt so much from your study day and I feel inspired. Thank you also for using the word birthed and not delivered.

MW Cumbria

Thank you once again for the waterbirth study day - it was a fabulous day and brought my reasons for entering this profession back to the forefront of my mind.

St MW Peterborough

As a first year midwifery student normality is my priority and today really inspired my learning. Obviously I have no habits to change or past learning of waterbirth so I feel your day will be the foundation of my learning about waterbirth. I'm eager to read and discover more.

ST MW Kent

Thank you Dianne for such an important and valuable day  it will have an impact on my future career

ST MW Kent

Fantastic day  really empowered me as a midwife and a woman. Will promote and discuss with my colleagues

MW Kent

What a brilliant day! What an amazing Lady!

MW Wales

I would love to be introduced to Dianne. She is such an inspirational midwife and her passion for giving women real choices is infectious.

MW Midlands

As a senior midwife and supervisor of midwives it is my aim to promote normality and especially water birth in a safe and sensible way for more women. I also hope to empower more midwives to embrace this and get back to being truly "with women".


Thank you for organizing the whole day-Great!!!!

MW Scotland

A wonderful day and will make me feel more confident to provide care to mothers and babies

MW London

Fascinating day thoroughly enjoyed the entireday. I learnt a wealth of information thanks to diannes ability to deliver such important enlightening information

MW Kent

I thoroughly enjoyed the study day the use of stories, videos and evidence was very interesting

ST MW Kent

I facilitated my first water birth since the last Tuesdays seminar last night. I changed my usual routine on several points and I can honestly say I had THE best time! Hot legs came up trumps, cradling the descending head, the lady was on all fours and the lights low and romantic so a mirror would have been useless even if I had one and for the first time placenta birthed in the water. The lady and her partner, third baby, said they also had the best time and the seminar was worth its weight in gold. So thank you once again, it shows at nearly 62 years old this remains the best and most joyous job in the world.

Sally Mackay Winchester Midwife

International testimonials

Dianne Garland has worked tirelessly on behalf of mothers, families and health care professionals to provide evidence based education for successful water birth practices in hospital and alternative birth settings. We have had the pleasure to participate in her water birth education and training sessions and now have come to know her not only as a respected professional colleague, but a friend. Dianne stresses that providing care for mothers should ensure the ability to offer a variety of choices safely. Her book, Revisiting Waterbirth, An Attitude to Care provides the reader with the science and physiology as it relates to the mother and her neonate, thereby resolving the mystery of this safe alternative to western medicine pharmacological choices. This is a must read and forever handbook for those interested in honoring the sacredness of birth. Thank you Dianne! Sincerely,

Dr. Thomas R. Stealey and Debra Stealey, MS, CNM

I am pleased to recommend Dianne as a truly expert midwife. I have known her for 25 years, as her student and colleague across the sea! She is an excellent mentor, educator, resource and professional midwife! Her waterbirth education is superb.

Cleveland Clinic Health System Cleveland, OH

I just wanted to thank you for presenting the waterbirth conference in North Texas, USA, last year. Even though I have been doing water births for 20 years, I still learned some new tricks and many of them apply even to land births. Thanks Dianne!

Jean Sala-Smith, RN,MSN, CNM

I thoroughly enjoyed Dianne's workshop on waterbirth and was so grateful she was willing to come all the way to India to share her vast knowledge and experience with us. I set up a workshop in a local hospital and the workshop was well attended with excellent feedback. I personally enjoyed the evidence - based research Dianne shared, her stories of her experiences as a midwife and of course the beautiful images and films we enjoyed. She has even gone the extra mile and has sent me books and articles to read. I am a fan!

Lina Duncan Midwife Mumbai India

Do you have something to share?

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