My Contributions

Garland, D 2011 Revisiting Waterbirth: An attitude to care- Palgrave Macmillan

Garland,D 2012 Response to MIDIRS article Cortes et al (2011) MIDIRS Vol 22 No 1 March p 78

Garland,D 2013 Book review  Maternal newborn nursing care plans. MIDIRS 23:1

Garland,D 2013 Taking waterbirth to India. Midwifery matters. P12 Issue 137 Summer

Garland,D 2013 Health sector interview. June

Garland,D 2014 Book review  Managing pain. Essentially MIDIRS March Vol.5 No.2

Garland,D 2014 A unique culture  the ICM congress revisited. Essentially MIDIRS October Vol.5 No.9

Garland,D 2014 Book review Hannah,delivered Essentially MIDIRS November Vol.5 No 10

Garland,D 2015 Chapter Waterbirth stories to inspire and inform. P122-9 January

Garland,D 2015 Article in Hebammen Forum . April

Garland,D 2015 Reflecting on India. Essentially MIDIRS Vol. 6 No4 May

Garland,D 2015 Interview Bringing Myths About Water Birth to the Surface

A midwife’s perspective ; mobility during birth. Pelican healthcare web site August 2016