MidwifeExpert: a Labour of Love
Dianne Garland
I am Dianne Garland FRCM SRN RM ADM PGCEA MSC. My career in midwifery began in 1983 when I qualified at Queen Charlotte's Hospital, London but my passion was ignited at Maidstone Hospital. Working as a midwife, I found within me a particular energy for developing and expanding a new practice; specifically waterbirths.
Despite initial resistance in some sectors, my unwavering determination to spread the word about this ‘cutting edge’ practice led me to pioneer waterbirth teaching sessions for other birth professionals as far back as 1989. My aim was simple; to educate, inform and dispel misconceptions through research and data.
Over the decades my midwifery work has taken me in multiple directions but my mission to share experience and expertise remains at the core of everything I do.
Having spent over 40 years in the NHS I decided to launch MidwifeExpert in 2005 providing the the freedom to explore midwifery from a global perspective, whilst maintaining focus upon areas of practice innovation, development and education.
MidwifeExpert has led me to travel extensively, teaching and advising in all corners of the world including India, China, Europe and USA. I’m honoured have been awarded two advisory roles in India and China, where I share my professional clinical experiences, research and resources. Within Europe and the UK I have been able to discuss the use of water within all midwifery settings (birth centres, homes and hospitals).
Sharing my experiences and expertise means everything to me but logistical, budgetary or even cultural and political restrictions can prove to be obstacles. Whilst ‘in person’ is always preferable, new technology has allowed me to reach a wider audience than ever before, in particular, MidwifeExpert online (Zoom) sessions, which have proved incredibly popular, reaching 17 countries since 2020 (at the last count).
Over the years, the services offered by MidwifeExpert have expanded and will continue to do so but the core ethos remains unchanged; to share midwifery expertise to promote better practice and innovation.
Expertise Evolved
Through MidwifeExpert, I have continued to expand my professional roles and grow the portfolio of available services.
As a trustee for Action on Pre-eclampsia (APEC) I chair educational sessions and attend the yearly expert day. I also act as a legal expert on midwifery cases, where I utilize all my clinical skills to prepare reports for NHSLA and solicitors. I also work as a specialist advisor for professional and international organisations, undertaking hospital/community maternity inspections.
My book Waterbirth – an attitude to care 2017, is read throughout the world by midwives, students, doulas and doctors. I have researched, written articles and blogs regarding various aspects on waterbirth. The COVID 19 pandemic prompted me to write an increased number of blogs with supporting Zoom sessions and on line conferences.
There are also plans for some exciting new projects in the pipeline so please subscribe to the newsletter to be kept up to date with everything as it happens.